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08 Sep

Furniture tips: Incorporate privacy in an open office floor plan

Open office style can be very beneficial for collaborations and big teams. While it makes for an easy space to hold meetings and communicate, privacy is one problem employees massively face in such a setting. However, you can curb this problem using some office furniture and systematized partitions.


Incorporating privacy with the help of office furniture can help in creating a novel workstation.
Here’s what you can do to achieve your goal:


Office partitions:


Your employees may enjoy talking regularly, but each person always requires some time alone. For this purpose, adding up some office partitions will help in keeping departments intact, yet adding some personal space for every team. Since excess noise and interaction also harm the productivity and focus of your employees, getting them some privacy to work is highly essential.


Individual work desk:


An appropriate space design can help in cutting down distractions. For this, you can use separate desks for each employee so there’s less interaction among each other. Since collaborative desks and team tables allow for excess communication, giving each person their space can curb this problem easily.




You can make use of shelves, bookcases and storage tables to create some space in the middle. Since these make for good partitions, adding some distance throughout your space will make your workstation look roomy.


If you are looking to get some office furniture for adding space and privacy to your workstation, connect with us to get varied options and help with your buying requirement.